Test our new Webmail!

HostAway is now finalising tests of our New Webmail Platform (NWP), which will replace this system in the coming months.

Customers can now test the NWP by using the login link below. Please note as this platform is still being tweaked, there are a few restrictions:
  • Contact and Calendar Entries - These will be reset at the end of the beta period. If you add new Contacts or Calendar events to the NWP during this test period, please expect them to be erased. Only use these features for testing purposes.

  • Updates - As we are still tweaking and adjusting the NWP, the system may occasionally be unavailable for small periods of time.

  • E-mail - All emails, including those in your sent folder, will be identical between the existing webmail and the NWP. Rest easy, as the end of this beta period will NOT affect your email contents in any way.
We would love to hear feedback about your experience testing the New Webmail Platform!